Welcome residents of The Traditions

I hope we can use this blog to create greater communication between the residents. Everyone will be given a voice and be able to blog about their wishes and concerns. Feel free to post anything you wish, including items you may want to sell, crime in the neighborhood, or even ideas to improve the association (times may be tough right now, but we still should be moving forward). To participate, just make your request under the "Author" post.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Hot Tubs and Recreational Water Illnesses

So there I was, just finished with my Monday morning lap swim, noticing a tinge of green in the hot tub.  This happens quite frequently and is something we should all be concerned about.  Why?  Well, try this:  google "CDC+hot tubs+RWI" and see what you can learn about all the marvelous things the Centers For Disease Control has to say.
A careful read of the CDC guidance will make clear why hot tub users must shower thoroughly before using the hot tub.  Clarity about why children under 6 are banned per the Associations Pool Rules also emerges.  Young children do not necessarily have robust immune systems.  Moreover, they often relieve themselves in the tub.  It is what very little people do.
Remember the hot tub is a closed system, separate from the main pool and is constantly heated.  Sanitation is paramount.  Good neighborly habits are also paramount in a common use facility like our hot tub.  And...green is just not good.  Please do your part to keep the tub clear.
Remember, children under 6 years of age are not permitted in the tub.  That is for their protection and the protection of everyone else who uses the facility. 
And...if it is green, refrain from use until it has been sanitized.  Don't fall prey to Recreational Water Illness!

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